can acupuncture heal migraines?
Migraine is a result of a deep deficiency, and remission is possible. If you’ve tried acupuncture before and didn’t get the help you were hoping for, there’s a good chance that the type of treatments that you received were not what you truly needed, as well intended as they were. Along with classical acupuncture treatments, diet and lifestyle changes can truly help you heal.
true healing not symptom management
In six weeks of weekly treatments and classes on diet and lifestyle, you could be in a drastically different place with your health. Healing is possible, but it does require change, and this program can help support you in that process.
the classical Acupuncture difference
Advanced Acupuncture is the complete system of acupuncture, which treats the person, not the disease, as opposed to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is a modern form of Chinese medicine that is the primary system taught in schools around the world.
What is Remote Acupuncture Treatment?
The beauty of remote treatments is that we can help people even when we’re not in the same place, geographically, or if we’re contagiously ill or in lockdown or not able to travel. Healing is here for us, wherever we are. So far, I’ve done treatments with practitioners and non-practitioners, those experienced with acupuncture and inexperienced alike, in Australia, Washington, Indiana, South Carolina, and Louisiana, and everyone has said the same thing; they all reported a variety of sensations in the channel I was treating.
is tcm acupuncture really traditional?
I’ll explain why TCM acupuncture is not going to be the solution you’re looking for in order to rid yourself of migraines. (The same applies for other chronic, degenerative diseases like autoimmune conditions and the like).
why don't you accept insurance?
I want to practice patient-centered medicine, and I refuse to allow my treatments to be dictated by anything other than good medicine. It’s more important to me to offer good treatment and a space for people to take a deep breath than it is to try and think about how to bill a certain amount of units.
What is advanced acupuncture?
The vast majority of the acupuncture that is taught and practiced around the world is what is called TCM—Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is a modernized version of classical acupuncture that uses only the primary channels rather than the entire system, which is the complement channels plus the primary channels.
constipation and the Role of the Lungs
Dietary factors are a huge part of gut health & healthy pooping habits, but we also need to talk about how the lung is related to the large intestine, how we breathe, & how we deal with grief.
The Beauty of Advanced Acupuncture
This form of acupuncture offers patients faster and more permanent results, addressing the root of the problem rather than the symptom. This type of acupuncture can often treat conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable.
Your First Acupuncture Appointment
You've booked your first acupuncture appointment (or you're thinking about it), and you're wondering what to expect. Here are answers to some common questions.
What You Need to Know About Cupping
With celebrities and social media influencers flaunting their cup marks, cupping, which is a technique used in traditional East-Asian medicines, has become almost a mainstream practice…