can acupuncture heal migraines?
Migraine is a result of a deep deficiency, and remission is possible.
I saw the neurologists. I had the tests. I tried the meds. I used the cannabis. And I got worse and worse until I learned that migraine is a result of deep depletion, influenced by emotion, diet, and lifestyle.
Classical Chinese Medicine, thank goodness, saved my life.
And it can save yours too. So if you’re ready to hear something you’ve never heard, read on.
The first thing we need to clarify is that although TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) helps millions of people, this is not the medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. TCM is a modern version of ancient medicine that came about after Mao took over China. What was left out of TCM is critical for your healing.
So if you’ve tried acupuncture before and didn’t get the help you were hoping for, there’s a good chance that the type of treatments that you received were not what you truly needed, as well intended as they were.
In the Classical Chinese Medicine view, we have a variety of fluids, which we call mediumship. We can think of them like fluids in a car, and just like in a car, when our fluids run low, we have problems specific to that fluid. Acupuncture treatments are a bit like taking your car into the shop: when you go to a good mechanic, the mechanic treats the problem but should also teach you how to best care for your car at home, meaning that you can’t ignore regular service and drive like a crazy person if you want to maintain the health of your car.
Likewise with acupuncture. Treatments are when I, the mechanic, am listening to your body—through the pulse—and giving you a treatment that sends a message that we’re going to release, tune up, or build something, and when you go home, you’ll implement diet & lifestyle changes to support the treatments that you’re receiving on a (usually) weekly basis.
In my experience, these changes are critical to staying out of the migraine cycle.
Most of the diet & lifestyle education you’ll receive when we work together will probably be surprising like recommendations to eat more animal products and avoid cold plunging. These are just two examples of lifestyle choices that are extremely depleting and work against rebuilding resources (mediumship), but after we work together, you’ll have a completely different understanding of how these recommendations—and others—fit into the healing puzzle.
So instead of tracking triggers and trying to avoid them, though that may be important in some stages, we’re going to work more comprehensively to help you heal and enjoy your life again.