constipation and the Role of the Lungs
Dietary factors are a huge part of gut health & healthy pooping habits, but we also need to talk about how the lung is related to the large intestine, how we breathe, & how we deal with grief.
eating with direction in mind
Chinese medicine food therapy approaches diet (meaning what we eat rather than a specific way of eating) the same way it does acupuncture: it’s an energetic practice with directionality. All of our organs have a direction in which their qi flows, & when that qi gets out of balance, that’s when we notice problems.
The Importance of Speaking Your Truth
The primary channels exist to manage the organ system and express the emotions of their respective organs, and when this doesn’t happen, for example being told to suppress your feelings or keep secret experiences that need to be brought to light, the complement channels step in, specifically the divergent channels
can herbs treat the Common Cold?
Chinese Medicine (CM) has a distinct way of looking at how we contract respiratory diseases, how they progress, and therefore, how they can be treated. Of course, CM also has a different way of naming a cold, flu, or other respiratory infection, too, so let’s start there.
help for migraines
Migraines are increasingly common and extremely debilitating. While there are a wide variety of signs and symptoms people experience when they have migraines, if you or someone you know struggles with them, you know they can really be life changing. So how can acupuncture help?
Tips for Cancer Patients
When classical practitioners treat patients with cancers, what we are doing is not treating the cancer per se but restoring the mediumship needed to keep it at bay. This is not a recommendation for any particular type of treatment but rather is an explanation of the ways we can support and rebuild mediumship at home in our daily lives from the Chinese medicine perspective. These suggestions will also be helpful for people with other chronic, degenerative diseases like autoimmune conditions.
The Beauty of Advanced Acupuncture
This form of acupuncture offers patients faster and more permanent results, addressing the root of the problem rather than the symptom. This type of acupuncture can often treat conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable.
what can i use herbs for?
23,000 people die due to antibiotic resistance every year in America, & so it’s more important than ever to be cautious about prescribing and using antibiotics. Herbal medicine is an effective alternative for treating common problems like ear infections, strep throat, and even bronchitis.
Say Goodbye to January Resolutions?
This time of year, we're inundated with messages about tackling the new year with a vengeance, goal setting, and other (seemingly dubious) New Year's resolution(s).
Your First Acupuncture Appointment
You've booked your first acupuncture appointment (or you're thinking about it), and you're wondering what to expect. Here are answers to some common questions.
What You Need to Know About Cupping
With celebrities and social media influencers flaunting their cup marks, cupping, which is a technique used in traditional East-Asian medicines, has become almost a mainstream practice…