what can i use herbs for?
23,000 people die due to antibiotic resistance every year in America, & so it’s more important than ever to be cautious about prescribing and using antibiotics. Herbal medicine is an effective alternative for treating common problems like ear infections, strep throat, and even bronchitis.
Say Goodbye to January Resolutions?
This time of year, we're inundated with messages about tackling the new year with a vengeance, goal setting, and other (seemingly dubious) New Year's resolution(s).
Your First Acupuncture Appointment
You've booked your first acupuncture appointment (or you're thinking about it), and you're wondering what to expect. Here are answers to some common questions.
What You Need to Know About Cupping
With celebrities and social media influencers flaunting their cup marks, cupping, which is a technique used in traditional East-Asian medicines, has become almost a mainstream practice…
why should we eat meat?
Plant based diets are all the rage these days and for good reason; Americans' health and the planet's health are in trouble.
Is Your Diet Affecting Your Skin?
The Chinese system has a channel system that spans certain areas of the body and connect to the organ itself, similar to a highway system connecting one city to another.
Can Acupuncture Help me Lose Weight?
Yes. And no. The reason acupuncture helps in losing weight or maintaining an already healthy one is that by using needles to treat the organ system, we improve its overall function, which includes improving your metabolism.